John R. Koza—List Of Publications—2000

John Koza's Publications: Year Index:

· Koza, John R., Bennett, Forrest H III, Andre, David, and Keane, Martin A. 2000. Synthesis of topology and sizing of analog electrical circuits by means of genetic programming. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 186, Issues 2-4. June 9, 2000. Pages 459-482.

The design (synthesis) of an analog electrical circuit entails the creation of both the topology and sizing (numerical values) of all of the circuit's components. There has previously been no general automated technique for automatically creating the design for an analog electrical circuit from a high-level statement of the circuit's desired behavior. This paper shows how genetic programming can be used to automate the design of eight prototypical analog circuits, including a lowpass filter, a highpass filter, a bandstop filter, a tri-state frequency discriminator circuit, a frequency-measuring circuit, a 60 dB amplifier, a computational circuit for the square root function, and a time-optimal robot controller circuit.


Click here for a PDF file of this CMAME journal article.

· Koza, John R., Keane, Martin A., Yu, Jessen, Bennett, Forrest H III, and Mydlowec, William. 2000. Automatic creation of human-competitive programs and controllers by means of genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 1 (1 -2) 121 - 164.

Genetic programming is an automatic method for creating a computer program or other complex structure to solve a problem. This paper first reviews various instances where genetic programming has previously produced human-competitive results. It then presents new human-competitive results involving the automatic synthesis of the design of both the parameter values (i.e., tuning) and the topology of controllers for two illustrative problems. Both genetically evolved controllers are better than controllers designed and published by experts in the field of control. One of these two controllers infringes on a previously issued patent. Other evolved controllers duplicate the functionality of other previously patented controllers. The results in this paper, in conjunction with previous results, reinforce the prediction that genetic programming is on the threshold of routinely producing human-competitive results and that genetic programming can potentially be used as an "invention machine" to produce patentable new inventions.


Click here for a PDF file of this GPEM journal paper on control in first issue of this journal.

Koza, John R., Yu, Jessen, Keane, Martin A., and Mydlowec, William. 2000. Evolution of a controller with a free variable using genetic programming. In Poli, Riccardo, Banzhaf, Wolfgang, Langdon, William B., Miller, Julian, Nordin, Peter, and Fogarty, Terence C. 2000. Genetic Programming: European Conference, EuroGP 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2000, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 1802. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Pages 91 - 105. ISBN 3-540-67339-3.

A mathematical formula containing one or more free variables is "general" in the sense that it provides a solution to an entire category of problems. For example, the familiar formula for solving a quadratic equation contains free variables representing the equation's coefficients. Previous work has demonstrated that genetic programming can automatically synthesize the design for a controller consisting of a topological arrangement of signal processing blocks (such as integrators, differentiators, leads, lags, gains, adders, inverters, and multipliers), where each block is further specified ("tuned") by a numerical component value, and where the evolved controller satisfies user-specified requirements. The question arises as to whether it is possible to use genetic programming to automatically create a "generalized" controller for an entire category of such controller design problems ¾ instead of a single instance of the problem. This paper shows, for an illustrative problem, how genetic programming can be used to create the design for both the topology and tuning of controller, where the controller contains a free variable.


Click here for a PDF file of this Euro-GP-2000 conference paper on a parameterized topology for controllers.

Koza, John R., Keane, Martin A., Yu, Jessen, Mydlowec, William, and Bennett, Forrest H III. 2000. Automatic synthesis of both the topology and parameters for a controller for a three-lag plant with a five-second delay using genetic programming. In Cagnoni, Stafano et al. (editors). Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing. EvoWorkshops 2000. EvoIASP, Evo SCONDI, EvoTel, EvoSTIM, EvoRob, and EvoFlight, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2000, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 1803. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Pages 168 - 177. ISBN 3-540-67353-9.

This paper describes how the process of synthesizing the design of both the topology and the numerical parameter values (tuning) for a controller can be automated by using genetic programming. Genetic programming can be used to automatically make the decisions concerning the total number of signal processing blocks to be employed in a controller, the type of each block, the topological interconnections between the blocks, and the values of all parameters for all blocks requiring parameters. In synthesizing the design of controllers, genetic programming can simultaneously optimize prespecified performance metrics (such as minimizing the time required to bring the plant output to the desired value), satisfy time-domain constraints (such as overshoot and disturbance rejection), and satisfy frequency domain constraints. Evolutionary methods have the advantage of not being encumbered by preconceptions that limit its search to well-traveled paths. Genetic programming is applied to an illustrative problem involving the design of a controller for a three-lag plant with a significant (five-second) time delay in the external feedback from the plant to the controller. A delay in the feedback makes the design of an effective controller especially difficult.


Click here for a PDF file of this Evo-SCONDI-2000 conference paper.

Koza, John R., Keane, Martin A., Yu, Jessen, Mydlowec, William, and Bennett, Forrest H III. 2000. Automatic synthesis of both the control law and parameters for a controller for a three-lag plant with five-second delay using genetic programming and simulation techniques. In Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 28 - 30, 2000. Evanston, IL: American Automatic Control Council. Pages 453-459.

This paper describes how the process of synthesizing the design of both the topology (control law) and the numerical parameter values (tuning) for a controller can be automated using genetic programming. Genetic programming can be used to automatically make the decisions concerning the total number of signal processing blocks to be employed in a controller, the type of each block, the topological interconnections between the blocks, and the values (tuning) of all parameters for all blocks requiring parameters. In synthesizing the design of controllers, genetic programming can simultaneously optimize prespecified performance metrics (such as minimizing the time required to bring the plant output to the desired value), satisfy time-domain constraints (such as overshoot and disturbance rejection), and satisfy frequency domain constraints. Evolutionary methods have the advantage of not being encumbered by preconceptions that limit its search to well-traveled paths. Genetic programming is applied to an illustrative problem involving the design of a controller for a three-lag plant with a significant (five-second) time delay in the external feedback from the plant to the controller. The delay in the feedback makes the design of an effective controller difficult.


Click here for a PDF file of this ACC-2000 conference paper

Koza, John R., Keane, Martin A., Yu, Jessen, and Mydlowec, William. 2000. Automatic synthesis of electrical circuits containing a free variable using genetic programming. In Whitley, Darrell, Goldberg, David, Cantu-Paz, Erick, Spector, Lee, Parmee, Ian, and Beyer, Hans-Georg (editors). GECCO-2000: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 10 - 12, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Pages 551 - 557.

A mathematical formula containing one or more free variables is "general" in the sense that it represents the solution to all instances of a problem (instead of just the solution of a single instance of the problem). For example, the familiar formula for solving a quadratic equation contains free variables representing the coefficients of the to-be-solved equation. This paper demonstrates, using an illustrative problem, that genetic programming can automatically create the design for both the topology and component values for an analog electrical circuit in which the value of each component in the evolved circuit is specified by a mathematical expression containing a free variable. That is, genetic programming is used to evolve a general parameterized circuit that satisfies the problem's high-level requirements. The evolved circuit has been cross-validated on unseen values of the free variable.


Click here for a PDF file of this GECCO-2000 conference paper on a parameterized topology for filters.

Koza, John R., Mydlowec, William, Lanza, Guido, Yu, Jessen, and Keane, Martin A.. Reverse engineering of metabolic pathways.

These slide transparencies were presented at the Computation in Cells workshop on Tuesday April 18, 2000 in Hertfordshire, UK and partially at the tutorial on Saturday April 15, 2000 at the Euro-GP-2000 conference in Edinburgh.


Click here for a PDF file of the Computation in Cells slides on metabolic pathways.

Koza, John R. (editor). 2000. Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming at Stanford 2000. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Bookstore. Stanford University Bookstore order number 002-0-00-002365-B.

This volume contains 55 papers written by students describing their term projects for the course "Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming" (Medical Information Sciences 226 / Computer Science 426 / Electrical Engineering 392K) at Stanford University during the winter quarter 2000 (offered on campus, on SITN TV, and on Stanford On Line).


Click here for information on this Book of Student Papers for 2000

Koza, John R. (editor). 2000. CS 426 / MIS 226 / EE 392K: Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming Winter 2000 Course Reader. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Bookstore. Number 2810000021091.

This course reader contains slide transparencies and course materials used in CS 426 / MIS 226 / EE 392K course on genetic algorithms and genetic programming in the Winter quarter 2000 at Stanford University.


Click here for information on obtaining a copy of the CS 426 / MIS 226 / EE 392K Course Reader for 2000 from the Stanford Bookstore.

Koza, John R., Yu, Jessen, Keane, Martin A., and Mydlowec, William. 2000. Use of conditional developmental operators and free variables in automatically synthesizing generalized circuits using genetic programming. In Lohn, Jason, Stoica, Adrian, Keymeulen, Didier, and Colombano, Silvano (editors). 2000. Proceedings of the Second NASA / DoD Workshop on Evolvable Hardware, July 13 - 15 2000, Palo Alto, California. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press. Pages 5 - 15.

This paper demonstrates that genetic programming can be used to create a circuit-constructing computer program that contains both conditional operations and inputs (free variables). The conditional operations and free variables enable a single genetically evolved program to yield functionally and topologically different electrical circuits. The conditional operations can trigger the execution of alternative sequences of steps based on the particular values of the free variables. The particular values of the free variables can also determine the component value of the circuit's components. Thus, a single evolved computer program can represent the solution to many instances of a problem. This principle is illustrated by evolving a single computer program that yields a lowpass or a highpass filter whose passband and stopband boundaries depend on the program's inputs.


Click here for a PDF copy of this EH-2000 conference paper on a parameterized topology for filter circuits.

Koza, John R., Bennett III, Forrest H, Andre, David, and Keane, Martin A. 2000. Automatic design of analog electrical circuits using genetic programming In Cartwright, Hugh (editor). Intelligent Data Analysis in Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 8. Pages 172 - 202.

The design (synthesis) of analog electrical circuits entails the creation of both the topology and sizing (numerical values) of all of the circuit's components. There has previously been no general automated technique for automatically designing an analog electrical circuit from a high-level statement of the circuit's desired behavior.

This chapter introduces genetic programming and shows how it can be used to automate the design of both the topology and sizing of a suite of five prototypical analog circuits, including a lowpass filter, a tri-state frequency discriminator circuit, a 60 dB amplifier, a computational circuit for the square root, and a time-optimal robot controller circuit.

The problem-specific information required for each of the eight problems is minimal and consists primarily of the number of inputs and outputs of the desired circuit, the types of available components, and a fitness measure that restates the high-level statement of the circuit's desired behavior as a measurable mathematical quantity.

All five of these genetically evolved circuits constitute instances of an evolutionary computation technique solving a problem that is usually thought to require human intelligence.


Click here for a PDF file of this chapter in book edited by Cartwright

Koza, John R., Mydlowec, William, Lanza, Guido, Yu, Jessen, and Keane, Martin A. 2000. Reverse Engineering and Automatic Synthesis of Metabolic Pathways from Observed Data Using Genetic Programming. Stanford Medical Informatics Technical Report SMI-2000-0851. November 7, 2000.

Recent work has demonstrated that genetic programming is capable of automatically creating complex networks (such as analog electrical circuits and controllers) whose behavior is modeled by continuous-time differential equations (both linear and non-linear) and whose behavior matches prespecified output values. The concentrations of substances participating in networks of chemical reactions are also modeled by non-linear continuous-time differential equations. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to automatically create (reverse engineer) a network of chemical reactions from observed time-domain data. Genetic programming starts with observed time-domain concentrations of input substances and automatically creates both the topology of the network of chemical reactions and the rates of each reaction within the network such that the concentration of the final product of the automatically created network matches the observed time-domain data. This paper describes how genetic programming automatically created a metabolic pathway involving four chemical reactions that takes in glycerol and fatty acid as input, uses ATP as a cofactor, and produces diacyl-glycerol as its final product. In addition, this paper describes how genetic programming similarly created a metabolic pathway involving three chemical reactions for the synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies. Both automatically created metabolic pathways contain at least one instance of three noteworthy topological features, namely an internal feedback loop, a bifurcation point where one substance is distributed to two different reactions, and an accumulation point where one substance is accumulated from two sources.


Click here for PDF version of Stanford University technical report SMI-2000-0851

Koza, John R., Mydlowec, William, Lanza, Guido, Yu, Jessen, and Keane, Martin A. 2000.Reverse engineering by means of genetic programming of metabolic pathways from observed data. Accepted as oral presentation paper.

Recent work has demonstrated that genetic programming is capable of automatically creating complex networks (e.g., analog electrical circuits, controllers) whose behavior is modeled by linear and non-linear continuous-time differential equations and whose behavior matches prespecified output values. The concentrations of substances participating in networks of chemical reactions are modeled by non-linear continuous-time differential equations. This paper demonstrates that it is possible to automatically create (reverse engineer) a network of chemical reactions from observed time-domain data. Genetic programming starts with observed time-domain concentrations of substances and automatically creates both the topology of the network of chemical reactions and the rates of each reaction of a network such that the behavior of the automatically created network matches the observed time-domain data. Specifically, genetic programming automatically created a metabolic pathway involving four chemical reactions that consume glycerol and fatty acids as input, used ATP as a cofactor, and produced diacyl-glycerol as the final product. The metabolic pathway was created from 270 data points. The automatically created metabolic pathway contains three key topological features, including an internal feedback loop, a bifurcation point where one substance is distributed to two different reactions, and an accumulation point where one substance is accumulated from two sources. The topology and sizing of the entire metabolic pathway was automatically created using only the time-domain concentration values of diacyl-glycerol (the final product).

Click here for PDF version of this accepted ICSB-2000 conference paper. This paper was subsequently published in 2001 as chapter in book (edited by Kitano)

Bennett, Forrest H III, Koza, John R., Yu, Jessen, and Mydlowec, William. 2000. Automatic synthesis, placement, and routing of an amplifier circuit by means of genetic programming. In Miller, Julian, Thompson, Adrian, Thomson, Peter, and Fogarty, Terence C. (editors). 2000. Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware. Third International Conference, ICES 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2000 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 1801. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Pages 1 - 10. ISBN 3-540-67338-5.

The complete design of a circuit typically includes the tasks of creating the circuit's placement and routing as well as creating its topology and component sizing. Design engineers perform these four tasks sequentially. Each of these four tasks is, by itself, either vexatious or computationally intractable. This paper describes an automatic approach in which genetic programming starts with a high-level statement of the requirements for the desired circuit and simultaneously creates the circuit's topology, component sizing, placement, and routing as part of a single integrated design process. The approach is illustrated using the problem of designing a 60 decibel amplifier. The fitness measure considers the gain, bias, and distortion of the candidate circuit as well as the area occupied by the circuit after the automatic placement and routing.


Click here for a PDF file of this ICES-2002 conference paper

Comisky, William, Yu, Jessen, and Koza, John. 2000. Automatic synthesis of a wire antenna using genetic programming. Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Pages 179 - 186.

This paper demonstrates the use of genetic programming to automatically synthesize the design of a wire antenna for an illustrative problem that has been previously solved by both conventional antenna design techniques and the genetic algorithm operating on fixed-length character strings. When the genetic algorithm was used, the human user prespecified many characteristics of the size and shape of the solution. The run of genetic programming also produced a satisfactory result for the illustrative problem. However, it did not require the human user to prespecify the size and shape of the solution. Functions from the Logo programming language and Lindenmayer systems enable genetic programming to draw the antenna. The solution evolved by genetic programming possesses the essential characteristics of the Yagi-Uda type of antenna. The rediscovery by genetic programming of the essential characteristics of the Yagi-Uda antenna is an instance where genetic programming has produced a result that is competitive with a result produced by creative and inventive humans.


Click here for a PDF file of this GECCO-2000 late-breaking paper on antennas.

Keane, Martin A., Yu, Jessen, and Koza, John R. 2000. Automatic synthesis of both the topology and tuning of a common parameterized controller for two families of plants using genetic programming. In Whitley, Darrell, Goldberg, David, Cantu-Paz, Erick, Spector, Lee, Parmee, Ian, and Beyer, Hans-Georg (editors). GECCO-2000: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 10 - 12, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Pages 496 - 504.

This paper demonstrates that genetic programming can be used to automatically create the design for both the topology and parameter values (tuning) for a common parameterized controller for all the plants in two families of plants that are representative of typical industrial processes. The genetically evolved controller is "general" in the sense that it contains free variables representing the characteristics of the particular plant. The genetically evolved controller outperforms the controller designed with conventional techniques. In addition, the genetically evolved controller infringes on an early patented invention in the field of control.


Click here for a PDF file of this GECCO-2000 conference paper on a parameterized topology for a controller for two families of plants.

Lanza, Guido, Mydlowec, William, and Koza, John R. 2000. Automatic creation of a genetic network for the lac operon from observed data by means of genetic programming. Accepted as a poster paper.

This paper demonstrates that it is possible to use genetic programming to automatically create (reverse engineer) a computer program representing the logic underlying the genetic network for the expression level of the lac operon as measured by its mRNA. Genetic programming starts with observed time-domain expression levels of two genes (REPRESSOR or CAP) and the concentrations of two substances (GLUCOSE or LACTOSE) and automatically creates both a topological arrangement of conditional and comparative functions of the genetic network as well as all necessary numerical parameters of the genetic network whose behavior matches the observed time-domain data.

Click here for a PDF file of this ICSB-2000 paper

Mydlowec, William and Koza, John. 2000. Use of time-domain simulations in automatic synthesis of computational circuits using genetic programming. Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. Pages 187 - 197.

Previously reported applications of genetic programming to the automatic synthesis of computational circuits have employed simulations based on DC sweeps. DC sweeps have the advantage of being considerably less time-consuming than time-domain simulations. However, this type of simulation does not necessarily lead to robust circuits that correctly perform the desired mathematical function over time. This paper addresses the problem of automatically synthesizing computational circuits using multiple time-domain simulations and presents results involving the synthesis of both the topology and sizing for a squaring, square root, and multiplier computational circuit and a lag circuit (from the field of control).


Click here for a PDF file of this GECCO-2000 late-breaking paper on computational circuits.

Yu, Jessen, Keane, Martin A., and Koza, John R. 2000. Automatic design of both topology and tuning of a common parameterized controller for two families of plants using genetic programming. In Proceedings of Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) Conference and Ninth IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, September 25 - 27, 2000. Pages CACSD-234 - 242.

This paper demonstrates that a technique of evolutionary computation can be used to automatically create the design for both the topology and parameter values (tuning) for a common controller (containing various parameters representing the overall characteristics of the plant) for two families of plants. The automatically designed controller is created by means of genetic programming using a fitness measure that attempts to optimize step response and disturbance rejection while simultaneously imposing constraints on maximum sensitivity and sensor noise attenuation. The automatically designed controller outperforms the controller designed with conventional techniques. In particular, the automatically designed controller is superior to the Astrom and Hagglund controller for all plants of both families for the integral of the time-weighted absolute error (ITAE) for a step input, the ITAE for disturbance rejection, and maximum sensitivity. Averaged over all plants of both families, the ITAE for the step input for the automatically designed controller is only 58% of the value for the conventional controller; the ITAE for disturbance rejection is 91% of the value for the conventional controller; and the maximum sensitivity, Ms. for the automatically designed controller is only 85% of the value for the conventional controller. The automatically designed controller is "general" in the sense that it contains free variables and therefore provides a solution to an entire category of problems (i.e., all the plants in the two families) ¾ not merely a single instance of the problem (i.e., a particular single plant).


Click here for a PDF file of this CACSD-2000 conference paper

· The home page of Genetic Programming Inc. at

· For information about the field of genetic programming and the field of genetic and evolutionary computation, visit

· The home page of John R. Koza at Genetic Programming Inc. (including online versions of most published papers) and the home page of John R. Koza at Stanford University

· For information about John Koza’s course on genetic algorithms and genetic programming at Stanford University

· Information about the 1992 book Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, the 1994 book Genetic Programming II: Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs, the 1999 book Genetic Programming III: Darwinian Invention and Problem Solving, and the 2003 book Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence. Click here to read chapter 1 of Genetic Programming IV book in PDF format.

· 3,440 published papers on genetic programming (as of November 28, 2003) in a searchable bibliography (with many on-line versions of papers) by over 880 authors maintained by William Langdon’s and Steven M. Gustafson.

· For information on the Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines journal published by Kluwer Academic Publishers

· For information on the Genetic Programming book series from Kluwer Academic Publishers, see the Call For Book Proposals

· For information about the annual 2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO) conference (which includes the annual GP conference) to be held on June 25–29, 2005 (Saturday – Wednesday) in Washington DC and its sponsoring organization, the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ISGEC). For information about the annual 2005 Euro-Genetic-Programming Conference (and the co-located Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization conference and other Evo-Net workshops) to be held on March 30 – April 1, 2005 (Wednesday-Friday) in Lausanne, Switzerland. For information about the annual 2005 Genetic Programming Theory and Practice (GPTP) workshop to be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. For information about the annual 2004 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming (ASPGP) held in Cairns, Australia on December 6-7 (Monday-Tuesday), 2004. For information about the annual 2004 NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware Conference (EH) to be held on June 24-26 (Thursday-Saturday), 2004 in Seattle.

Last updated on August 25, 2004